We are so excited to announce we are homeschooling this year!
So why did we decide to homeschool?
Well, for starters, it was because the LORD told us to! Anything that we believe GOD is saying for us to do, we will alway choose to do it. We may not understand the fullness as to why GOD is asking us to do something at first, and it may continue to unfold over-time, but what we do know is that it’s the safest thing to always adhere to the voice of the LORD in the moment!
When HE gives us direction, we will surely take it, and whatever HE says for us to do, we acknowledge HIS wisdom in that and will always be obedient.
We understand that the direction HE has for us is GOOD, for our safety and for our benefit, so we have chosen to fully embrace whatever HIS will is for our lives in every season that we are in!
A year ago when we first moved to San Antonio, I was thinking about homeschooling and it’s when I first began to consider it as well as research it. I had brought it to my husband, but at the time he honestly did not believe it was for us. Not just that, but I also prayed about it myself and I heard the LORD say not right now.
My kid’s education is important to me and I was worried about where to send our oldest son to school when we first moved here. I had prayed about it and heard the LORD say, “Don’t worry about his education. I will take care of it.”
Sure enough, there was a great school just down the road from us that met our standards and that we felt peace about! It was a good school, and I believe GOD provided for us the school that we needed in that time. However, once the school year was over we did not feel like it was for us, and began to pray to GOD about what HE wanted us to do next.
We prayed and eventually my husband and I both heard the LORD say to try homeschooling this upcoming year. This time, my husband is the one that actually brought it to me first!
For Calvin to hear this I knew this was the LORD because before he was not leaning towards homeschooling at all. However, GOD began to speak to him and show him all about homeschool. HE began to move on both of our hearts and showed us many reasons as to how it would be a great fit for us and why we should do it.
My husband and I have coached and led people for a living, so we figured we could certainly do a great job with our own children. Lol
Our schedules also thankfully allow it since we are both entrepreneurs and in charge of our own schedules.
Lastly, Calvin and I are committed to working together and teaming up to make this what it needs to be and I thank GOD for my husbands willingness and leadership even in this venture!
I do work a business from home, run a women's ministry + I am raising 3 littles, so naturally I began to doubt how I could possibly also do homeschool! However, the LORD reminded me that anything HE is calling us or asking us to do, HE will ALWAYS make available to us the GRACE to do it! ( I wrote about this in my previous blog.)
People tend to feel some kind of way when you mention to them you’re homeschooling because of a lack of knowledge about it, all that it entails, as well as there being a stigma about it. Does it take work? Sure, but we are committed to doing the work and have always been committed to doing hard things that may at times go against the grain!
I am also continuously reminded that the opinions of others is not what is important but doing GOD’s will is always what's most important.
My husbands support and encouragement + constant reassurance has also built my faith. When doubts began to form in my mind I had brought them to my hubby and he told me something I truly believed was from the LORD.
He said that he felt we were onto something by choosing to homeschool this year and that more and more people in the seasons and years to come would begin to choose it as well. I felt so much of GOD’s presence on this when he said it and I truly believe it!
I naturally have loved and enjoyed teaching our children over the years while they were home with me, so homeschooling is personally exciting for me! I taught my oldest until he was 4 and he was extremely advanced for his age! I am excited to continue doing the same and with our 3 year old as well.
We also plan on continuing to share our journey along the way for those that are interested in learning more about homeschooling.
I am looking forward to my husband and I pouring into our children together and seeing where this journey takes us! We are beyond excited for this new venture and have our full-trust in the LORD’s will for our lives. We can’t wait to see how else HE leads us in the seasons to come, and are dedicated to giving our babies the best homeschooling experience ever this year!
