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My Favorite Christian Books for Children

Updated: Jan 28

I truly believe that as Mothers (and parents in general), we are called by the Lord to raise up the next generation of Disciples.

My husband and I do this each day by pouring into our babies, teaching them the word of God and the things of the spirit, teaching them the ways of God, praying over them daily, and using every opportunity to minister to them and teach them about what God’s word says about every situation. We have committed to living for Jesus out loud right in front of them and to demonstrate + be the example of what it looks like to have an authentic relationship with Christ in our every day lives.

With that being said, another thing I love to do to help build their faith and increase their knowledge about the Lord is buying them books about Jesus and about God’s word.  Here is a list of some of our most favorite impactful Christian Books that we have read to our children and that I highly recommend for other parents to do so too if you are wanting to help grow your child’s knowledge about Jesus!

I wanted to share these books with parents who may be hungry to teach their children about God or help grow their child’s knowledge about the gospel, but may not know here to begin!

This Tales that Tell The Truth Series is so adorable for children that range from 2-7 years old. They explain it in such a way that children will understand, and there has even been many times where my husband or I am reading this book to our kids and are moved to TEARS because of how impactful they are! I highly recommend them!
This Tales that Tell The Truth Series is so adorable for children that range from 2-7 years old. They explain it in such a way that children will understand, and there has even been many times where my husband or I am reading this book to our kids and are moved to TEARS because of how impactful they are! I highly recommend them!

This Bible-Story Book is what my son reads every morning at 8 years old. He wakes up, does his chores, and then reads one Bible-Story from this book before he eats breakfast and then begins his homeschool day! He learns A LOT from this book and it's perfect for reading aged children to grasp. It includes a Bible-Story + a prayer of the day and is also absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Once he is finished with this book I plan on purchasing The Biggest Story Curriculum as he transitions into 4th grade next year!
This Bible-Story Book is what my son reads every morning at 8 years old. He wakes up, does his chores, and then reads one Bible-Story from this book before he eats breakfast and then begins his homeschool day! He learns A LOT from this book and it's perfect for reading aged children to grasp. It includes a Bible-Story + a prayer of the day and is also absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Once he is finished with this book I plan on purchasing The Biggest Story Curriculum as he transitions into 4th grade next year!
 When my 8 year old is is done with his Bible-Story of the day, he will then read one of these Memory Verses from The Biggest Story Series that goes with each Bible-Story!
 When my 8 year old is is done with his Bible-Story of the day, he will then read one of these Memory Verses from The Biggest Story Series that goes with each Bible-Story!

Next, my son will do an activity that supports the same Bible-Story. These activities also require him to sometimes read from his actual Bible to complete word-puzzles and fill-in-the-blank worksheets. It continues to solidify the Bible-Story that he just learned while also challenging him to complete fun activities.
Next, my son will do an activity that supports the same Bible-Story. These activities also require him to sometimes read from his actual Bible to complete word-puzzles and fill-in-the-blank worksheets. It continues to solidify the Bible-Story that he just learned while also challenging him to complete fun activities.

This is the ABC Toddler + Baby Version of the Biggest Story Series. I read this to my 18 month old and my 4 year old. The Book is beautiful while teaching the letters of the Alphabet and also the gospel.
This is the ABC Toddler + Baby Version of the Biggest Story Series. I read this to my 18 month old and my 4 year old. The Book is beautiful while teaching the letters of the Alphabet and also the gospel.

This is the last book that we have from the Biggest Story Series. This is a BEAUTIFUL chapter book that also teaches the gospel to small children in a way they can understand and grasp. It's perfect for my 4 year old and 8 year old so I read this to them together!
This is the last book that we have from the Biggest Story Series. This is a BEAUTIFUL chapter book that also teaches the gospel to small children in a way they can understand and grasp. It's perfect for my 4 year old and 8 year old so I read this to them together!

This Explorers Bible is my son's FIRST official Bible.*insert crying emoji here! It is the CSB version like ours so we and he absolutely loves it! We have taught him the word of God since he was a baby and he has always had Bible-Story books, but he had been asking us for a "REAL bible with verses". My mama-heart was sad as this meant he was getting older, but my spirit was rejoicing as I was able to sense his hunger for the Lord! What is it to be 8 years old and asking for an official Bible? I had originally planned on buying him his first  real bible when he turned 9, but since he was already eagerly asking for one, we knew it was time to get him his first official one! This Bible is BEAUTIFUL and full of facts and insights about history and the characters in the Bible. He reads it during down time and also uses it to complete activities.
This Explorers Bible is my son's FIRST official Bible.*insert crying emoji here! It is the CSB version like ours so we and he absolutely loves it! We have taught him the word of God since he was a baby and he has always had Bible-Story books, but he had been asking us for a "REAL bible with verses". My mama-heart was sad as this meant he was getting older, but my spirit was rejoicing as I was able to sense his hunger for the Lord! What is it to be 8 years old and asking for an official Bible? I had originally planned on buying him his first real bible when he turned 9, but since he was already eagerly asking for one, we knew it was time to get him his first official one! This Bible is BEAUTIFUL and full of facts and insights about history and the characters in the Bible. He reads it during down time and also uses it to complete activities.

These are absolutely adorable books that I got for my son Zaiden who is 4 years old. They rhyme and have such meaningful themes that teach him how much God loves him, cares for him, and hears him. There are a few more in the series that I plan on getting for him as well. I love these books because I can read them to him as well as my baby girl Zaylee who is 18 months now and as she continues to grow older too!
These are absolutely adorable books that I got for my son Zaiden who is 4 years old. They rhyme and have such meaningful themes that teach him how much God loves him, cares for him, and hears him. There are a few more in the series that I plan on getting for him as well. I love these books because I can read them to him as well as my baby girl Zaylee who is 18 months now and as she continues to grow older too!

This was the Devotional my son read every morning last year for our first year of Homeschooling. He was in second grade, and it includes all of the names of God and teaches the different definition of His names! It is a wonderful and great devotional for elementary year aged children!
This was the Devotional my son read every morning last year for our first year of Homeschooling. He was in second grade, and it includes all of the names of God and teaches the different definition of His names! It is a wonderful and great devotional for elementary year aged children!

If your child loves science like mine does I HIGHLY recommend this amazing devotional! I read this one with my son when he was in first grade and it was full of facts about science, nature, and creation, and would correlate it with who our God is. Each devotional is impactful and this devotional is truly anointed with God's Presence!
If your child loves science like mine does I HIGHLY recommend this amazing devotional! I read this one with my son when he was in first grade and it was full of facts about science, nature, and creation, and would correlate it with who our God is. Each devotional is impactful and this devotional is truly anointed with God's Presence!

I read this devotional every night to my son when he was 5 years old. There were many days that I myself was impacted by it! It's bright and colorful and each story is impactful enough while still being short enough for the shorter attention spans of smaller children. My child learned so much and enjoyed it!
I read this devotional every night to my son when he was 5 years old. There were many days that I myself was impacted by it! It's bright and colorful and each story is impactful enough while still being short enough for the shorter attention spans of smaller children. My child learned so much and enjoyed it!
Lastly, these are baby board books that I got for my second son when he was a baby and would read them to him as a baby and toddler. I now read them to my daughter who is 18 months. She will grab them from the cabinet and bring them to me regular! She will also walk around the house with them and pretend to sit down and read them to her baby. lol
Lastly, these are baby board books that I got for my second son when he was a baby and would read them to him as a baby and toddler. I now read them to my daughter who is 18 months. She will grab them from the cabinet and bring them to me regular! She will also walk around the house with them and pretend to sit down and read them to her baby. lol

These are just some of our favorite Christian Children's Books that I would highly recomend to every parent!

Here is the link to all of my favorite books on my Amazon Storefront. I pray that you are able to get some of them and that they would bless your life. If you ever have any questions about raising your little ones in the Lord please don't hesitate to reach out and ask me!

If you decide to purchase any of them, I would greatly appreciate it if you use my link!

I pray that the Lord would continue to lead you and guide you into ALL truth and give you the grace, strength, and wisdom that you need to raise your babies in the Lord! I pray that He increases your FAITH so that you can gain access to the GRACE that you are ALREADY standing in! He has called you to be their mother and He has exactly what you need to do so! You've got this!

With Love, Sonja Garcia

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