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Affirmations To Speak Over Your Children

Updated: Jan 27

What we say over our children has more power than we could ever think or imagine. How we speak over them now can shape their minds and determine how they feel and think about themselves in the future. We have the power through our words and actions to shape how they feel about themselves and how their inner-thoughts about themselves are shaped!

Some things I say over my children daily are of course, “I love you” and, ”You are a blessing to my life. I am so blessed to have you as my children and I am so blessed to be your Mom.”

Imagine NEVER having to go through life not knowing you are unconditionally loved and that you are not a burden, but a BLESSING to all those around you?

The other day God reminded me how powerful my words are and how what I say over my children is not something to take lightly!

I say biblical affirmations + declarations over them daily throughout my day, but I wanted to write them down to share with others parents as well!

The affirmaitons I typed up on the PDF that is attatched to this blog are just a few, but you can use the word of God to speak over your children daily. What are God’s promises concerning them? How does God feel about them? Say what God’s word says about them daily and be mindful of the words you speak over them. What we say WILL determine how our children FEEL about who they are. Our children are a precious gift form God and how we steward them unto the Lord matters!

This doesn’t mean we will always get it right and we will always be perfect, but we must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit as well as His leadership and guidance to steward our babies and to be the parents that God has always called + pre-destined us to be!

Being a parent is not easy, but it is a calling that God has given us and I thank God that He is so gracious! He would never ask us to do something that He wouldn't ALSO provide for us the grace to do it.

I am rooting for you, you are doing amazing, and you've got this!

Click the link below for FREE download of some affirmations + identity statements that you can say over your babies.

I pray these help!

With Love, Sonja Garcia

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